27. October 2016
It has been official since the 6th annual WBA meeting on October 26th: The WBA will not only move into the cluster for production technology on the RWTH Campus, but also adjust its public appearance to be consistent with the campus design. This also includes a new logo in the shape of the plus sign.
The location on the RWTH Aachen University Campus leads to a closer link, spatially and with regard to content, between science and industry, which offers us a unique opportunity for exchanging information and experience. The campus bundles competences, fosters communication, builds networks and creates synergy effects.
The plus sign visualizes these synergies. It is the connecting element between the 16 research clusters, of which one is the cluster for production technology, at the center of which stands the WBA. Every center stands for a specific research topic, which is being investigated together by interdisciplinary teams of scientists and industrial consortia.
We are excited for the new home for the WBA on the campus.