13. June 2016
The tooling industry has had many years of growth and continues to have a very positive outlook in Germany. However, risk and complexity are increasing steadily. In today’s competitive environment, the combination of detailed technological, business management and organizational knowledge is invaluable. This applies to the design and funding of promising investments as well as to attaining comprehensive data transparency and implementing an integrated system support alongside the entire order processing. Since November 2015, En.Value Management Specialists are a partner of WBA. We are pleased to have found a partner, who systematically complements our industry expertise and our industrial know-how with long-standing business experience and extensive finance expertise.
Financial transparency is particularly important in the coming years. Growth is increasingly achieved in international and especially non-European markets, with higher demands on all internal business processes. Saving and earning potentials are opening up not only in the analysis of value-added processes of manufacturing, but also in the appropriate preparation of financing of individual investments, financing of upcoming large projects or hedging currency risks correlated with foreign business. A tool shop, that prepared the right business figures with appropriate and targeted illustration and can furthermore provide the necessary tooling specific interpretation, is in clear advantage.
In the long term those tool shops are competitive, that operate with the best service range and the most efficient manufacturing processes. New trends, known under the slogan Industry 4.0, allow tool shops to radically innovate business models and business processes. Both with regards to the internationalization as well as to the implementation of industrial 4.0 applications one fact remains true: The upcoming changes require targeted investments based on a sustainable business management development and a stable position in the domestic market. Complete economic and industrial transparency and guiding based on derivative indicators is essential!
We are pleased to continue to support you in your future important business decisions. Our joint expertise allows us to help tool shops even more comprehensively in finding applicable solutions to relevant management challenges. We use the experience of En.Value in the areas of finance and accounting, controlling, financing and liquidity management as well as reporting and auditing.
We would like to provide you with information on a specific project offering “Financial Check-up”. It ensures your tool shop transparency in terms of all relevant financial and performance indicators and thus prepares the next big decisions of your company. For more information regarding the proposal as well as our partner, please download the file attached to this news. If interested, you may also contact the WBA directly.
Contact Person:
Mr. Michael Salmen, M.Sc.
Email: beratung@werkzeugbau-akademie.de
Tel .: +49 (0) 241 / 990163-02